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Have bike, want to travel... can travel!!!

From one frustrated and confused traveller to another... we believe the mist is burning off and the future is becoming sunnier!

The last 18 months have forced many of us to look to the UK to scratch our adventure travel itch, and this has been fantastic - exploring new roads and trails on our little isle has been a great way to find joy amidst the flood of negativity - from Brexit, through a pandemic, to fuel shortages and ‘build back beaver’. If two years ago someone had asked me to write a blog that had these themes I would have thought I was reviewing a prequel to the Hunger Games.

However, through the hard work of our scientists and healthcare professionals we are now in a position where we can look to a future where we can explore our own Isle AND venture further afield.

Now I am most certainly biased, but there is something very special about exploring a new country or region by bicycle. The bicycle allows us to connect with a place in a special way and engage our senses like few other means of travel.

On a late summer trip to the Costa Blanca, I was privileged to spend a few days out on my bike exploring the local roads. In those three days I met fellow cyclists from several different nations, hit 50mph on a decent, learned a little Spanish, saw a snake slither across the road, had several fabulous coffees, ate every meal like it was my last and finished the day with a quick dip in the pool and a large glass of something cold.

This trip managed to physically exhaust me, whilst mentally refreshing me!? A curious combo, but a satisfying one - knowing the rich, diverse experiences I had whilst being present. no screens, no social media, no modern anxiety - just my 5 senses engaged and a host of lifelong memories gained.

Don’t get me wrong - it wasn't all unicorns and rainbows - I still climb with the souplesse of a juvenile gorilla and my Spanish is more Rodney than Manuel, but I bloody loved it!

Looking to the future, I can't wait to explore more new countries and regions on my bike. Furthermore, I cant wait to do this with like minded folk. At the helm of Sporta Bike+ I have been afforded an amazing opportunity - to shape a travel company around the bicycle!! Yes we can and will deliver training camps based upon physiological gains and yes we will organise e bike holidays in the Pyrenees fuelled by gastronomic excellence and indulgence. And it is this mission that we share with the Cadence community amongst others - To live life at our pace, to create an inclusive and diverse community where everyone can enjoy adventures in new surroundings with friends old and new.


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